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Upcoming EventsAnnual 5k- Coffee Run
April 6, 2025 Glasgow Park 9:00 am AnnouncementsState Awards are Open!
Deadline for 2024 winners is Nov 1st 2024 Call for Nominations!
2024 is a DATA Board Election Year. If you have any questions or would like to nominate yourself or a fellow DATA member please email us at [email protected] by October 15, 2024. The following positions are available this election cycle: -President-Elect -Treasurer (4 years) DATA in the NewsOctober 2024- NATA News
August 2023
DATA Brings the Emergency & Trauma Management Seminar to Delaware Secondary School ATs Presented by Sports Medicine Emergency Management and thanks to a grant from UD Community Engagement Initiative, this day long seminar helped ATs in the state create a common language and protocols surrounding emergency care. The seminar was offered twice over 2 days in a northern and southern location to better accommodate all ATs and impact all of our student athletes. NBC10 Philadelphia (click image for video) (click image for video and article)
Cape Gazette (click image for article)Morning Star (click image for article)House Leader Rep. Valerie Longhurst and Rep. David Bentz present State Tribute to Athletic Trainers at the 10th Annual DATA 5K/Coffee Run
(Featured in NATA News- July 2022) Delaware Featured in NATA News
Delaware ATs and the DATA were featured in the February edition of the NATA news. The segment highlights President Tory Lindley's visit to UD, which was sponsored through a grant received by the Athletic Training Students' Association, as well as the Korey Stringer Institute's Collaborative Solutions for Safety meeting. This meeting included suggestions and recommendations for athlete safety surrounding heat illness, strength and conditioning, and policy-making. Delaware State Creates AT Program Partnership with UD
The University of Delaware Athletic Training Program has partnered with Delaware State University's Department of Public and Allied Health. Each year, one student from DSU's Kinesiology program will be granted entrance into the UD Athletic Training Program providing they meet all prerequisite standards. Details can be found in the article linked here. . Membership Directory
In order to protect member privacy, the membership directory will now be part of Gather and your inclusion is voluntary. If you would like to be included, simply add your contact information to your profile in Gather. Your profile can be accessed by clicking the photo icon in the top right corner (see below). |
2025 Platinum Level SponsorsDATA Purpose:
To ensure the quality of healthcare for the physically active in the state of Delaware. To advance the profession of Athletic Training through education and research. To provide quality continuing education for the membership. To safeguard and advance the interest of its membership. -From the DATA By-Laws |
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