Ensure the availability of quality, affordable, accessible, and equitable physical and mental healthcare services for our Delaware communities.
Health and Safety of the Physically Active
Ensure that every Delaware student-athlete has access to comprehensive athletic training services and care regardless of socio-economic status
Ensure that the physically active and those supporting them receive regular education regarding prevention of injuries and illnesses
Reduce the risk of sports or physical activity related injury and illness through assuring that the performance environment is safe and that the proper planning has happened in the event of an emergency.
Have the right to immediate, on-site injury assessments with decisions made by qualified sports medicine professionals.
Professional Respect and Recognition
Athletic Trainers are an integral part of the sports medicine team and should to be routinely recognized as licensed healthcare providers
Promote the use of athletic trainers as the appropriate health care providers in prevention, recognition, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of injuries and illnesses caused by sport and physical activity.
Athletic Trainers should be involved in the discussion and implementation of healthcare initiatives for our patients and communities along with other healthcare professionals.
AT Practice
Athletic Trainers should practice to the full extent of our education and training without barriers
ATs should have flexible options for providing care to their patients, including telehealth communications.
The DATA promotes legislation that ensures a safe working environment for ATs. This includes a sustainable workload to prevent impaired vigilance, fatigue, and burnout.
When billing for services, ATs should be reimbursed by insurance for services within their scope of practice