Spring 2024 Athletic Training Student Scholarships
The DATA is proud to offer the following scholarships to students that are a member of the DATA who are currently enrolled in an entry level Athletic Training Education Program (CAATE approved).
NATA District 2 Athletic Training Student Scholarship- An award given to a student that is a DATA member and enrolled in a CAATE accredited AT program that embodies academic, leadership, and service to the community and/or profession. DATA Student Leadership Award- An award given to a student that is a DATA member and enrolled in a CAATE accredited AT program that embodies leadership amongst their fellow athletic training students and towards the future of the AT profession. DATA Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee Scholarship- An award and scholarship to recognize an Athletic Training Student of an ethnically diverse background who shows professional promise and promotion of diversity in the field of Athletic Training or promotes the health care of the physical active in ethnic minority groups. ELIGIBILITY 1. Distinguish one's self academically. a. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher b. Must be a full time student in an Entry-Level CAATE AT Program 2. Signify an intention to pursue the profession of athletic training as a means of livelihood. 4. Must be a current member of the Delaware Athletic Trainers' Association and have an NPI number at the time of application. 5. For the DATA EDAC Award: Must be of ethnic diverse background as identified by the current NATA demographic data/studies. |
All 2025 scholarship applications are due by April 2025